Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Trojan Killer | Full version | 28mb

Trojan Killer | Full version | 28mb

Trojan Killer - A program to clean your computer from all the aggressive threats! If you - the active internet user, you should take steps to protect your personal information against cyber-criminals. Trojan Killer will help you! She promptly identify (recognize) and safely remove dangerous malicious Trojans - spyware and adware, malware blocking, and restricting the activities of tools, keyloggers, etc. before irreversible painful events come in the form of stolen accounts, passwords, credit card numbers, personal, corporate and other information.

The main advantages of Trojan Killer:
- Powerful protection against viruses (trojans, worms, etc.)
- Continuous monitoring system
- Protection of personal data from cyber criminals
- Easy-to-exploitation of the interface
- Support for all operating systems (including Windows 7). 

Zemana Antilogger ML | Full version | 10mb

Zemana Antilogger ML | Full version | 10mb

Here are some key features of “Zemana AntiLogger”:- Anti-SSL Logger Module that provides protection against SSL Logger- Anti-WebCam Logger that provides protection against WebCam Logger- Anti-Key Logger Module that provides protection against Key Logger- Anti-Screen Logger that provides protection against Screen Logger- Anti-Clipboard Logger that provides protection against ClipBoard Logger- System Defence Module that protects your system.

McAfee AVERT Stinger | Full version | 10mb

McAfee AVERT Stinger | Full version | 10mb

This version of Stinger includes detection for all known variants including: # BackDoor-ALI # BackDoor-AQJ # BackDoor-AQJ.b # BackDoor-CEB # BackDoor-CEB!bat # BackDoor-CEB!hosts # BackDoor-CEB.b # BackDoor-CEB.c # BackDoor-CEB.d # BackDoor-CEB.dll # BackDoor-CEB.dr # BackDoor-CEB.e # BackDoor-CEB.f # BackDoor-CEB.sys # BackDoor-CFB # BackDoor-JZ # BackDoor-JZ.dam # BackDoor-JZ.dr # BackDoor-JZ.gen # BackDoor-JZ.gen.b # Bat/Mumu.worm # Downloader-DN.a # Downloader-DN.b # Exploit-DcomRpc # Exploit-DcomRpc.b # Exploit-DcomRpc.dll # Exploit-Lsass # Exploit-Lsass.dll # Exploit-MS04-011 # Exploit-MS04-011.gen # HideWindow # HideWindow.dll # IPCScan # IRC/Flood.ap # IRC/Flood.ap.bat # IRC/Flood.ap.dr # IRC/Flood.bi # IRC/Flood.bi.dr # IRC/Flood.cd # NTServiceLoader # ProcKill # PWS-Narod # PWS-Narod.dll # PWS-Narod.gen # PWS-Sincom # PWS-Sincom.dll # PWS-Sincom.dr # W32/Anig.worm # W32/Anig.worm.dll # W32/Bagle # W32/Bagle!eml.gen # W32/Bagle!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.ad!src # W32/Bagle.dldr # W32/Bagle.dll.dr # W32/Bagle.eml # W32/Bagle.fb!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fc!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fd!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fe!pwdzip # W32/Bagle.fm.dldr # W32/Bagle.gen # W32/Bagle@MM!cpl # W32/Blaster.worm # W32/Blaster.worm.k # W32/Bropia.worm # W32/Bugbear # W32/Bugbear.a.dam # W32/Bugbear.b!data # W32/Bugbear.b.dam # W32/Bugbear.gen@MM # W32/Bugbear.h@MM # W32/Bugbear@MM # W32/Deborm.worm.ah # W32/Doomjuice.worm # W32/Dumaru # W32/Dumaru.ad@MM # W32/Dumaru.al.dll # W32/Dumaru.dll # W32/Dumaru.eml # W32/Dumaru.gen # W32/Dumaru.gen@MM # W32/Dumaru.w.gen # W32/Elkern.cav # W32/Elkern.cav.c # W32/Elkern.cav.c.dam # W32/Fizzer # W32/Fizzer.dll # W32/FunLove # W32/FunLove.apd # W32/Gaobot.worm # W32/Harwig.worm # W32/IRCbot0 # W32/IRCbot.worm # W32/IRCbot.worm.dll # W32/Klez # W32/Klez.dam # W32/Klez.eml # W32/Klez.gen.b@MM # W32/Klez.rar # W32/Korgo.worm # W32/Lirva # W32/Lirva.c.htm # W32/Lirva.eml # W32/Lirva.htm # W32/Lirva.txt # W32/Lovgate # W32/Mimail # W32/Mimail.c@MM # W32/Mimail.c@MM # W32/Mimail.i!data # W32/Mimail.q@MM # W32/MoFei.worm # W32/MoFei.worm.dr # W32/Mumu.b.worm # W32/Mydoom # W32/Mydoom!bat # W32/Mydoom!ftp # W32/Mydoom.b!hosts # W32/Mydoom.dam # W32/Mydoom.t.dll # W32/Mytob # W32/Mytob.gen@MM # W32/Mytob.worm # W32/MyWife # W32/MyWife.dll # W32/MyWife@MM # W32/Nachi!tftpd # W32/Nachi.worm # W32/Netsky # W32/Netsky.af@MM # W32/Nimda # W32/Nimda.dam # W32/Nimda.eml # W32/Nimda.gen@MM # W32/Nimda.htm # W32/Pate # W32/Pate!dam # W32/Pate.dam # W32/Pate.dr # W32/Polip # W32/Polip!mem # W32/Polybot # W32/Polybot.bat # W32/Sasser.worm # W32/Sasser.worm!ftp # W32/Sdbot # W32/Sdbot!irc # W32/Sdbot.bat # W32/Sdbot.cli # W32/Sdbot.dll # W32/Sdbot.dr # W32/Sdbot.worm # W32/Sdbot.worm!ftp # W32/Sdbot.worm.bat.b # W32/Sdbot.worm.dr # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.a # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.b # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.c # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.d # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.e # W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.q # W32/Sober # W32/Sober!data # W32/Sober.dam # W32/Sober.eml # W32/Sober.f.dam # W32/Sober.g.dam # W32/Sober.q!spam # W32/Sober.r.dr # W32/Sober.r@MM # W32/Sobig # W32/Sobig.dam # W32/Sobig.eml # W32/Sobig.f.dam # W32/Sobig.gen@MM # W32/Spybot.worm # W32/SQLSlammer.worm # W32/Swen # W32/Swen@MM # W32/Yaha.eml # W32/Yaha.gen@MM # W32/Yaha.y@MM # W32/Yaha@MM # W32/Zafi # W32/Zafi.b.dam # W32/Zindos.worm # W32/Zotob.worm # W32/Zotob.worm!host.

AVAST ANTIVIRUS 2012 | Full version |95MB

AVAST  ANTIVIRUS 2012 | Full version |95MB

AVAST  ANTIVIRUS 2012 | Full version |95MB

SurfRight Hitman Pro v3.6.0.160 | Full version | 9mb

SurfRight Hitman Pro v3.6.0.160 (x86/x64) | Full version | 9mb

Here's the final update of "Second Opinion Malware Scanner" software HitmanPro including 32 and 64 bits fully compatible with Windows 7!


"Yes this is a very impressive application that's being actively improved all the time. Leveraging all that AM technology with practically zero resource usage, great stuff."

Who Should Use Hitman Pro?
Computer users can use the Free Scan of Hitman Pro as a quick check (less than 5 minutes) to ensure that the existing anti virus program has not missed a threat.
Help Desk and Support organizations can use the Free Scan of Hitman Pro as a quick check for viruses and other malware. It can be run from USB or CD/DVD. No installation is required.
Website owners can offer the Free Scan of Hitman Pro as a service to visitors for a quick second opinion.

Changes in Build 160 (2012-06-25):
- ADDED: Detection and removal of ZeroAccess/Sirefef services.exe variant.
- ADDED: Detection of ASLR stripped files (cause by malware infection).
- ADDED: Detection of TLS callback on system files (caused by malware infection).
- IMPROVED: Removal of ZeroAccess/Sirefef related files and folders.
- IMPROVED: Remnant scan.

USB Drive Antivirus 3.02 build 0509 | Full version | 5mb

USB Drive Antivirus 3.02 build 0509 | Full version | 5mb

USB Drive Antivirus provides 100% antivirus protection against any viruses trying to attack via removable media.When an USB device is inserted into your computer, it will automatically scan it, block and delete usb virus and trojans.

When compared to other antivirus solutions, any user will be able to notice its advantages. USB Drive Antivirus provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 80% protection.

USB Drive Antivirus is the best usb antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer.

This light and easy to use solution is compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all.

Rising PC Doctor | Full version | 10mb

Rising PC Doctor | Full version | 10mb

Rising PC Doctor, professional and smart security tool to computer users.With its seven key functions of automatic malware analysis, immunization of USB storage devices, ability to repair Microsoft Internet Explorer & Windows, Trojan Behavior Detector & Blocker, protection against malicious websites, Internet Explorer protection and Trojan Download blocker, Rising PC Doctor will greatly enhance your protection against malware and cyber threats.

Trojan Behavior Detector & Blocker
Rising PC Doctor can detect the majority of Trojans and a even great number of other malware upon startup before they can execute their malicious function. This function will significantly increase your protection from cyber threats.

Trojan Download Blocker
After successful infection, many viruses automatically start to download large numbers of Trojans and other malware. The Trojan blocking technology of Rising PC Doctor ensures that even an infected computer will not download any other viruses and stop the spreading of whole families of Trojans.

Automatic Malware Analysis
AT boot, Rising PC Doctor can automatically scan for potentially unknown malware. When permitted by the user, possible malware is automatically transferred to Rising’s Automated Malware Analyzer (RsAMA) for detailed analysis. The user is informed about the result of the analysis and can quickly react to new threats for which conventional protection is not yet available. Analysis metadata collected by the community of Rising users (Rising Cloud Security) will be stored in the Rising Security Database (RsSD), providing up-to-date information about cyber security.

1. Completely Redesigned Vulnerability Scan
The completely redesigned Vulnerability Scan of Rising PC Doctor can detect vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, its security settings and third party software from many manufacturers. With the easy to use interface, even inexperienced users can handle potential vulnerabilities in the operational system and a lot of other major software applications.

2. Strong Ability to Repair Microsoft Internet Explorer & Windows
Rising PC Doctor can fix the Internet Explorer on many computers whose homepage has been changed by malware, which are permanently displaying adware or which are plagued by many other problems. On such computers, Rising PC Doctor can help you to repair the system registry, system settings and the host file.

3. Powerful Process and Startup Management
This function gives you better control over drivers, programs loaded at boot, Active X controls and other important software influencing the operation of your computer.

4. Advanced Tools for Experienced Users
Rising PC Doctor provides additional tools for experienced computer users such as Disk Cleanup, System Startup Management,Service Management,Network Application Management,LSP Repair,File Shredder, and Special Virus Removal Tools which are designed to eliminate only a limited number of viruses.

USB Disk Security With Crack

USB Disk Security Incl Crack

  1. Extract rar file
  2. Open USB Disk Security Incl Crack By Thumper.exe
  3. Done

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v1.62.0.1100 |

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v1.62.0.1100 | Full Version | 10MB

Malware is big and malware is bad. Your computer is constantly at risk from infection by malware including viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, dialers and spyware. Malwarebytes specializes in fighting malware.

If viruses are mischief, malware is mayhem. Malware doesn’t just want to disrupt your network, it wants your keystrokes, logins, passwords, address book, data, credit card information, favorite t-shirt and possibly your cat.

Malware is not going away any time soon. Malware is growing, developing, constantly evolving. Malware is becoming more difficult to detect, and even harder to remove.

Only the most sophisticated anti-malware techniques can detect and remove malicious programs from your computer. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO combines powerful new technologies designed to seek out, destroy, and prevent malware.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO detects AND protects in an easy-to-use, straightforward, heavy-hitting but lightweight anti-malware application.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO Features include:

- Flash - Lightning fast scan speeds
- Thorough - Full scans for all drives
- Works Well With Others - Cooperative functionality
- Puts YOU first! - Priority database updates
- Puts Malware in the Slammer - Quarantine function holds threats and lets you restore at your convenience
- Talk to the hand - Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module
- For Your Pleasure - Customizable settings enhance performance
- Lock It Down - Password protect key program settings
- Chameleon - Gets Malwarebytes running when blocked
- Toolbox - Extra utilities to help remove malware manually
- Nitty Gritty - Command line support for quick scanning
- RPP, Yeah You Know Me - Realtime Proactive Protection Module
- Hablamos Everything! - Multi-lingual support (Klingon still in beta)
- Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Picasa 3.9.0 Build 135.81 Portable

Picasa is an image organizer and image viewer for organizing and editing digital photos, plus an integrated photo-sharing website, originally created by a company named Lifescape[2] (which at that time may have resided at Idealab) in 2002 and owned by Google since 2004.[3] "Picasa" is a blend of the name of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the phrase mi casa for "my house", and "pic" for pictures (personalized art).[3][4] In July 2004, Google acquired Picasa from its original author and began offering it as freeware.[3]
Native applications for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS X (Intel only) are available through Google Labs. For Linux, Google has bundled Wine with the Windows version to create an installation package rather than write a native Linux version, but this version is severely out of date (the latest Windows version, however, can be run with Wine; see the Linux section). There is also an iPhoto plugin or a standalone program for uploading photos available for Mac OS X 10.4 and later.

Google Chrome 16.0.912.75 Final Portable Multilingual


Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google that uses the Web Kit layout engine. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on September 2, 2008, and the public stable release was on December 11, 2008. As of May 2012, Google Chrome has approximately 33% worldwide usage share of web browsers, making it the most widely used web browser, according to StatCounter.
In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code as an open source project called Chromium.

PDF Converter Pro 11.00 Full Version

 PDF Converter is a free open source program that allows users to convert documents into PDF files on Microsoft Windows operating systems, while embedding a Creative Commons license.[1] The application leverages RedMon and Ghostscript and is licensed under the GNU GPL.

K-Lite FULL Codes Pack 8.10 Media Player Classic Full Version

K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of audio and video components for Microsoft Windows that enables the operating system and its software to play back various audio and video formats generally not supported by the operating system itself. K-Lite Codec Pack also includes several related tools, including Media Player Classic, GSpot Codec Information Appliance, and Codec Tweak Tool.
Mega: The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is a combination of K-Lite Codec Pack Full and fourteen additional components not present in any other edition. Amongst these components, there is the original Media Player Classic as well as Media Player Classic Home Cinema, GSpot Codec Information Appliance, and FourCC Changer.

Bumboo (2012) Hindi Movie Download

Genre: Comedy
Director: Jagdish Rajpurohit
Release Date: 30 March 2012
Stars: Kavin Dave, Jagdish Rajpurohit and Mandy Takhar

Storyline: Bumboo movie is based on one simple idea. Every person meets someone, who screws it up and makes life miserable (In the ‘Bambaiyya’ lingo it is called as ‘Vaat Lagna’). In Bumboo the movie each character screws someone or the others happiness. Each situation is humorous and ends up into comedy of errors. Bumboo is based upon “L’emmerduer” which is by Francis Veber.



Aarakshan (2011) Full Movie

Director: Prakash Jha
Release Date: 12.Aug.2011
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, Vinay Apte, Amitabh Bachchan, Prateik Babbar and Manoj Bajpai
Desc: Aarakshan is story of Prabhakar Anand, The legendary idealistic principal of a college that he has single-handedly turned into the state’s best. It is the story of his loyal disciple, Deepak kumar who will do anything for his sir. of Deepak’s love for Prabhakar’s daughter, Poorbi, of his friendship with Sushant. It is the story of their love. their lively friendship, their zest for life, and their dreams for the future. Centered on one of the most controversial issues of recent years, with the Supreme Court’s order on reservations, the story suddenly becomes a roller coaster ride of high drama, conflict and rebellion.



Agneepath (2012) Hindi Movie DVDRip

Director: Karan Malhotra
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
Release Date: 26 January 2012
Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, Sanjay Dutt & Rishi Kapoor
Storyline: In a small Indian village Mandwa, Vijay Dinanath Chauhan (Hrithik Roshan) is taught by his principled father about the path of fire – AGNEEPATH. His life is completely shattered when the evil drug dealer Kancha (Sanjay Dutt) hangs his father to death. Vijay leaves for Bombay with his pregnant mother and has only one mission in life- to come back to Mandwa and bring back the glory of his father’s name.
In Bombay, 12-yr-old Vijay is taken under the wings of the city gang lord Rauf Lala (Rishi Kapoor). From then on it is a journey of revenge where he makes and breaks many relationships only to get closer to his aim. Vijay finds support only in his best friend Kaali (Priyanka Chopra), who stands by him at every moment in his life. Fifteen years later his hatred for Kancha takes him back to Mandwa where life comes full circle.


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